Heaven's Playground

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This site is made to remember those whos lives were cut short. Because these little ones can no longer live their lives, I want to make sure that they are not forgotten. During their short time on Earth these children touched many hearts. Each of them are just a precious thought away. Right now they are looking down on the people they love and I pray these families can recover from their loss. Some of their stories are so scary. If you look to the left of your screen you will see the site navigation bar. This is where you click the buttons and it will take you to a new page. Each page has something different...so take a look around. Please sign the guestbook so that I know you stopped by. God bless.

Site Updates

I will be updating this site frequently, so make sure to check back. Whenever the site has something new I will post the update right here on the main page so that you can check it out. Right now the site is still under construction, but soon enough this spot will show updates.


There is now a playlist of music on the home page of the site. Please turn your sound on to hear it. The songs are quite sad just to warn you.



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